Troughout history, Indo-Japanese Trelations have always been strong. For centuries, India and Japan have engaged in cultural exchanges. IndiaJapan have stood by each other at critical moments in their history

The historical Silk Road was a series of trade

routesthat crisscrossed Eurasia foralmosttwo - thousand years, until about the year 1500 C.E. The extent of exchange ofart, ideasand innovations between cultural groups trading on the routes is It extends over 8,000 km on land and sea. Trade on the Silk Road

was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome, Persia, Indian subcontinent, China and all the way to Japan, and helped to lay the foundations for the modern world.

Today there is scope for greater cooperation and exchange in the fields of science, technology and engineering at the same time continuing the tradition of cultural and social exchanges.

IJDO begins its journey with the mission to support Japanese and Indian youth for better interaction between the two countries. And aims to bring about positive change in the society by organizing different forums to promote entrepreneurship in Japanese youth and for Indian youth to learn Japanese work ethics.

INDO JAPAN Economic Cultural & Social Development Organisation (IJDO) is a pioneer effort to consolidate the relations between India and Japan and to form a bridge to facilitate mutual growth and progress.


>> Indian offers excellent human resource highly skilled engineers and technocrats and large labour force. Indian IT Engineers are the backbone of major developed nations today.

>> Availability of land resource

>> Government policies favour setting up of Special Economic Zones and promote manufacturing set ups across the country

>> India's vast growing population and its increasing purchasing power comes as a large consumer base for products and services consumption.

>> Japan is currently India's third largest source of foreign direct investment; Japanese companies have made major investments in India. The annual survey conducted by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation ranked India as the most promising overseas investment destination for Japanese companies over the long term.

>> India and Japan have signed important agreements for implementing the ambitious Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) project which seeks to create integrated investment regions and industrial areas across six states.

> The Japanese Investment Zone at NEEMRANA, Rajasthan is home to number of Japanese industries. This is the first model in the world of an industrial zone set up specifically for Japanese industries by any country.


- To work for promotion of economic relations between India and Japan.

- To provide platform for mutual cooperation & Interaction for investors of both the countries.

- To explore investment opportunities for investors in India & Japan and to facilitate the visit of business mission to both the countries.

- To represent and submit requirements, needs, grievances of investors to the local governments and make available maximum concessions, benefits, exemptions and other facilities from government.

- To help in setting of collaboration projects & transfer of technology.

- To provide professional services in different sector like IT etc.

- To have regular touch with Japan External Trade Organizations (JETRO) / Indian Trade Organization & to make necessary efforts to implement their plans and projects

- To organize, conduct or participate in national/ international exhibitions, conferences, seminars etc.

- To disseminate knowledge of facilities/ incentives/ promotion policies and benefits available from the government by regular news letter, meetings conferences and electronic media amongst the investors in India-Japan.

-To open centers for Japanese language and culture training to Indians working for Japanese companies in India.

-Training to Indian engineers on Japanese production techniques.

- Space for such a campus is being planned at various industrial zones throughout India where cluster of Japanese industries are already functioning.

- To take up activities beneficial for the economic development of both the countries.

- To work for promotion of cultural relation between India & Japan.

- To work for upliftment of traditional arts

- To work for conservation of all art forms.

- To organize programs for researchers, students, scholars etc.

- To undertake research, survey & training programs in the field of art by developing center having Institution for training in Art, Art Gallery for presentation and Auditorium for performances.


-Utilize experience of Japanese senior citizens to train Indian youth for excellence, expertise and perfectionism achieved by Japanese

To organize programs for upliftment of lesser privileged class in India.

- To work for eradicate the problem of water shortage and water filtration in rural areas and slums

-Organizing support programs for rural areas.

-To impart training on local material for conservation of resources and environment.

-To promote Japanese technology in India for waste management and recycling for sustainable environment

-To obtain aid for plantations for elected village authorities in arid rural areas to turn India green.

To promote Japanese Technology for renewable energy (solar, wind) applications for rural India.

To grant scholarship, stipend, reward, assistance and allowances to students.

-To provide medicines, food, clothing, water, electricity for poor.

To establish, promote, support, maintain, manage and run dispensaries, hospitals, nursing homes, child welfare centers, clinical laboratories, mobile medical units, ambulances, medical and surgical camps, blood banks for giving medical relief to public.

Background of IJDO

>> The seed of this NGO was laid 40 years ago. The founder members have been facilitating Japanese citizens coming to India in various fields.

>> Conducted the Festival of India in Japan in the year 1988.

>> Facilitated in organizing the India fairs held at various locations during the festival of india.

>> Organized cultural exchange programme by taking folk dancers from Rajasthan to perform in Japan.

>> Organized exhibitions of Indian artists in Japan several times.

>> Design Festival of India's logo "Namaste India" and Design of pamplet 2000 & 2002.

> > De s i g n e d t h e Festival of India (IndiaJapan Friendship Year 1988) Catalogue.

>> Members are pivotal in facilitating setting up of Japanese business houses in Rajasthan. Notably at Neemrana

>> The NGO in its form has been encouraging and promoting handloom weavers of cotton and silk from rural Rajasthan.

>>Supported and encouraged students of art in various capacities for example, organizing painting competitions, literary events in India

>>Awarding deserving students and granting stipend and scholarships to outstanding performers and deserving candidates.